For our Melbourne locations we offer two registrations options to suit your needs.
Season Plan: Pay upfront for the complete season and save! (Afterpay also available)
Weekly Plan: Automatic weekly payments to cover your membership.

We work alongside schools and youth justice services to engage young people and support them in positive direction. We offer a range of programs that effectively provide positive change for all young people.
Each session has specific objectives based on IAA’s program planning. Elements within the program include:
Positive psychology: Beginning with building rapport with the young people, instilling set ground rules, and establishing foundational elements of shared language and basic session structures. These are informed by growth mindset and grit literature, organisational and positive psychology.
Physical health and well-being: The physical component challenges the young people physically and mentally, This provides an opportunity to build resilience and to approach challenging situations as an opportunity to learn, rather than a win and/or loss, working as a team and problem solving.
Our programs provide tools for positive self-esteem, communication, goal setting, social skills, trust, relationships and conflict resolution.
We have provided school programs since 2015, over this time we have worked with a wide variety of schools from primary to secondary, public and private, RTO and VCAL schools.
All programs can be tailored to support the need of the school and students. Iron Armour Academy offer a wide range of school-based programs that support the growth of young people and support positive school interaction.
Our school mentoring programs are designed to inspire greatness in students. We offer wide range of programs that support the schools need and can tailor accordingly. During the sessions young people overcome or identify key factors that trigger behaviour, use tools for self-reflection and service. We the platform of sport, health or creative arts to re-engage at risk students or a support platform for development of youth leaders.

PROGRAM LENGTH: 8 weeks (school term)
BOUNCE Mentoring has been designed to provide tools through active learning that build a relentless mindset and a resilient attitude towards life, providing the ability to BOUNCE back in the face of adversity and make the right choices
Iron Bounce is a group mentoring environment that creates positive social interactions by using the platform of exercise, sport or creative arts to engage the student. Iron Bounce aims to help young people by identifying factors/triggers for untoward behaviour and provides tools to overcome these, in turn becoming better role models in their school, their family, their community – and Win the Game of Life!
Program Length:
8 weeks (minimum)
Session per week:
One Session
Gender: All
Grade: 7-12
Student Ratio:
Price: Contact Us

PROGRAM LENGTH: 8 weeks (school term)
L.E.A.D. is a Leadership specific program designed to build strong, resilient and empathetic leaders. L.E.A.D is for current and aspiring school leaders, and students with leadership qualities.
L.E.A.D program focuses on building leadership and confidence by identifying their key strengths and growing new skills.
L - (Self) Leadership
E - Empowered to serve
A - Attitude to lead not by feeling but values.
D - Destinations; Goals oriented for self and others
"Leadership starts with you, but it is not about you."
The program involves self-reflection and practical tools the encourage the student to make difference in their schools and community.
Program Length:
8 weeks (minimum)
Session per week:
One Session
Gender: All
Grade: 7-12
Student Ratio:
Price: Contact Us

PROGRAM LENGTH: 8 weeks (school term)
IRON CHAMPIONS has been design as an early intervention program for students in grade 5-6. The program aims to develop emotional and social resilience in children, enhancing their willingness to learn and preparation for Secondary school
Iron Champions is a group mentoring environment that creates positive social interactions by using the platform of exercise and sport to engage the student. Iron Champions is designed to provide tools that help build positive relationships and support ongoing resilience and self regulation. Building confidence and new friendships.
Program Length:
8 weeks (minimum)
Session per week:
One Session
Gender: All
Grade: 5-6
Student Ratio:
Price: Contact Us

PROGRAM LENGTH: 8 weeks (school term)
Huddle is a one-on-one mentoring program designed to support individuals and/or reinforce the group programs by providing space for vulnerable conversation and specific change.
Iron Bounce is a group mentoring environment that creates positive social interactions by using the platform of exercise, sport or creative arts to engage the student. Iron Bounce aims to help young people by identifying factors/triggers for untoward behaviour and provides tools to overcome these, in turn becoming better role models in their school, their family, their community – and Win the Game of Life!
Program Length:
8 weeks (minimum)
Session per week:
One Session
Gender: All
Grade: 7-12
Student Ratio:
Price: Contact Us
…working closely with IAA for three years now and have seen exceptional improvement in our student behaviour, motivation and engagement in their schooling. Vice Principle, The Grange P-12 College

PROGRAM LENGTH: Specialised Workshop
Every young person has a seed of greatness inside of them and the purpose of our UNSTOPPABLE talks are to help them identify this so that they can grow and make an impact in their world. GOOD to GREAT to UNSTOPPABLE!
Good to Great to Unstoppable is about empowering our young people to become the leaders they have been destined to become by first learning to lead themselves.
We understand the challenges that our young people face today, and we aim to help them build their resilient muscles to stand in the face of adversity, help them to see things from a greater perspective and therefore develop in their personal growth.
Program Length:
1-2 Hours
Session per week:
Gender: All
Grade: 5-12
Student Ratio:
Price: Contact Us
academy (FOR SCHOOLS)
Our school academy programs are designed to support schools with existing school sports academy programs or create winning formula for newly established academy programs. At IAA we believe in STUDENT athlete, meaning student comes first and academy support their student success and engagement.

Tailored for your school, or team will assist in establishing a school sports program the covers all bases. We work closely with school staff and p.e teachers to ensure the need is met. We provide or source specific coaches for the sports required, take care of all athletic development need such as fitness, athletic testing, mindset and wellbeing, nutritional support and more. We create standards that ensure STUDENT always comes before athlete.
Program Length:
2 Years - ongoing​
Session per week:
Gender: All
Grade: 7-12
Student Ratio:
Price: Contact Us
Complete tailored program that support schools sports and athletic standing while support the students well-being. We use our highly qualified team of mentors and specialised coaches to get the best our of the student athletes.

Well-being focused program that works alongside a schools athletic program to ensure students are maintain a healthy attitude while juggling academics training, competition and life demands
Our team works alongside the school athletic department to ensure the well-being of the student athlete is met. We work with the student on a weekly basis in a group/team and one-on-on setting to ensure the individual student is thriving and supported as they navigate new pressures and achievements of high performance. Our aim is to maximise the athletes potential while still remaining supported and grounded.
Program Length:
1 year to ongoing
Session per week:
Multiple sessions
Gender: All
Grade: 7-12
Student Ratio:
Price: Contact Us

Designed to support the need of the school. Specialised coaches for specific sport season/tournaments. Our team can provide your students with Athletic testing, specific performance technic sessions and more.
The Coaches program is designed to support the schools need whether an specialised coaches to see out team sports program, workshops on nutrition, recovery, mindset, goal setting for success, elite training methods, strength conditioning for young athletes (including weight lifting), complete athletic testing days and more. Out elite team will fill the serve to bring your students athletes into the world of high performance.
Program Length:
Session per week:
Workshop to Multiple sessions
Gender: All
Grade: 7-12
Student Ratio:
Price: Contact Us
Available: Rugby League | Rugby Union | Aussie Rules | Gridiron | Basketball | Netball | Touch | Tag | Tag20 | Defence Strategies | Speed Training | Team Cohesion | Athlete Testing | Sports Performance | Strength and Conditioning | Weight Training | More
(IAA) have supported the program by offering coaches and mentors, which has allowed the program to grow as we now have multiple staff involved. On top of that, the expertise they have brought, has improved greatly the skills and fitness Levels of these young students. Academy Director, Fountain Gate Secondary College
Our Youth Services programs have been created to assist young people in developing new skills, attitudes and behaviours that inspire change and connectedness. Designed to curb reoffending/offending for those from juvenile detention and build trust for those experiencing family separation, homelessness and more. Iron Armour Academy has been working alongside young people specifically from these backgrounds since 2015 both within juvenile justice precincts and our community programs. We do not believe in band-aide solutions but long term commitment that supports true rehabilitation.
Reflection | Regulation | Responsibility | Rehabilitation.

AGE: Any
Well-being focused program that works alongside a schools athletic program to ensure students are maintain a healthy attitude while juggling academics training, competition and life demands
The GRID program has been designed to support young people while in detention. This is a group program that is based on collaboration with the young people. During the program the young person will learn self reflection and regulation strategies while working cohesively as a group, creating group values that inspire responsibility and rehabilitation.
G - Grounded
R - Relationships
I - Identity
D - Direction
Program Length:
1 year to ongoing
Session per week:
Gender: All
Student Ratio:
Price: Contact Us

AGE: Any
PROGRAM LENGTH: 12 weeks to ongoing
Back In The Game is an ongoing support program designed to assist a young person in their transition from detention to society re-integration. Specifically created with a holistic approach, that engages with tools designed to inspire and motivate change.
With Back the Game the young person follows a one-on-one mentoring program that uses a variety of mental support tools, active learning sessions such as fitness and/or sport specific sessions. Young person will also have access to IAA work experience program that encourages work ethic and social skills. Allowing us to create a tailored program from the young person.
Program Length:
1 year to ongoing
Session per week:
Gender: All
Price: Contact Us
...Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre would like to express our great like and appreciation of the Iron (Armour) Academy and all that they do, and stand for. They have become a welcome and much-looked-forward-to event each week in our unit.
... Overall the Iron (Armour) Academy help our clients in a multitude of positive ways, from both inside and out and are both well-listened to and respected by the clients and also provide another, different form, of positive role-modelling. Reference letter from Malmsbury justice centre staff

AGE: Any
PROGRAM LENGTH: 4 weeks to ongoing
Designed to provide an environment of support and change to empower the young person in reaching full potential. Supporting young people experience family disconnection, living in residential care and so on.
During Born 4 More the young person follows a one-on-one mentoring program that provides support from a positive role model. The mentor will engage with the young person to build self esteem, self worth, healthy relationships and communication skills. As the connectedness is established we use growth mindset tools to build goals and hope.
Program Length:
4 weeks to ongoing
Session per week:
Gender: All
Age : All
Price: Contact Us